Email Retention Policy

Our email retention policy is a sub-section of our privacy and general data retention policy.

Although not all emails will contain personal data, we will treat all emails in the same way to ensure your information remains private.

Important note: Some users who contact us may want to include other recipients as well, depending on the nature of the email. Any user who includes other recipients when sending us an email, do so at their own risk as we cannot be held liable for how those other recipients treat your emails.

Active Inboxes: All emails in active inboxes will be limited to a time frame of 6 months. Thereafter it will be moved to a searchable archive on our local devices. Emails will be archived for as long as legally required for audit and record purposes. Generally, this will be for 5 years. Archived emails older than this will be permanently deleted.

Sent Items: All emails in active sent folders will be moved to archive on our local devices after 6 months. Sent emails will be archived for as long as legally required for audit and record purposes. Generally, this will be for 5 years. Archived sent emails older than this will be permanently deleted.

EU users who wish to enquire about emails containing their data, can contact us for details at